
The World of Chasen

The Japanese tea whisk, or chasen (茶筅) is used to mix and whisk finely milled green tea powder with the water into a frothing hot bowl of matcha.

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Flickwerk The Aesthetics of Mended Japanese Ceramics

flickwerk catalogueFrom aesthetic, technical and artistic viewpoints, the restoration of ceramics with lacquer (called kintsugi), which has been practiced in Japan for many centuries and which has been particularly cultivated since the sixteenth century, is a highly distinctive and extremely fascinating field of Japanese art.

As collective terms for all kinds of objects that have been restored with lacquer, the Japanese language contains the two words urushitsugi (“to patch with lacquer”) and ursuhitsukuroi (“to repair with lacquer ”), both of which have been in the language since the sixteenth century, as well as the word urushinaoshi, which denotes “lacquer repair”.

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